What Is Cloud Computing Infrastructure?

By | July 11, 2023

One of the most in-demand technologies today has been proven to be a revolutionary technology trend for companies of all sizes: cloud computing. In order to offer cloud services and resources to the consumers, it runs a large and intricate infrastructure configuration. The hardware and software components, such as servers, storage, networking, management software, deployment software, and virtualization software, etc., are represented by cloud infrastructure, which is a component of the cloud architecture’s backend. The entire cloud computing system is made possible in the backend by cloud infrastructure. dhra.info will provide for you some information about cloud computing infrastructure.

What is Cloud Computing Infrastructure?

cloud computing infrastructure

cloud computing infrastructure

The technology and software that enable cloud computing are often referred to as cloud computing infrastructure. Storage devices, CPUs, networking tools, operating systems, user interfaces, and applications are examples of hardware and software.Typically, infrastructure is split into two categories:

  • Applications, devices, and user interfaces make up the frontend cloud computing infrastructure. Then, clients use it to communicate with the cloud.
  • The hardware, storage, operating systems, networking strategy, and security components that underpin the frontend architecture make up the backend cloud computing infrastructure.

Depending on the service model of the cloud offering, the client’s access to and control over each component of the infrastructure for cloud computing varies.There are three primary categories of service model:

  • SaaS, or software as a service.Software subscriptions are used to deliver cloud applications. Users don’t have to worry about hardware or software because the SaaS provider oversees every part of the backend infrastructure and software.
  • PaaS, or platform as a service.The client receives a cloud platform, which they use to build, launch, and manage their own apps. Customers can host and integrate their own applications via an interface provided by the PaaS provider, who also manages the backend infrastructure.
  • IaaS, or infrastructure as a service.Clients receive virtualized resources like servers, storage, and networking technology through the cloud. Clients can configure, alter, and manage these resources to support their services and applications because the IaaS provider handles the hardware and makes advantage of virtualization.

Users have the most control over their cloud infrastructure when using the IaaS approach. The user will have to put in more effort to set up and operate their cloud-based applications as a result, though. Contrarily, SaaS offers a whole cloud application that clients may start utilizing with little to no initial setup. Clients, however, are unable to access the underlying infrastructure for functions like performance improvement or scaling.

cloud computing infrastructure

cloud computing infrastructure

Why Cloud Computing Infrastructure :

Cloud computing is the practice of offering customers on-demand services wherever they are, whenever they need them, and regardless of the circumstances. The cloud infrastructure serves as the catalyst for turning on the entire cloud computing system. The ability to offer consumers the same services as physical infrastructure is increased by cloud infrastructure. It is affordable, more flexible, and scalable, and it is accessible for private cloud, public cloud, and hybrid cloud systems.

What Does a Cloud Computing Infrastructure Look Like?

cloud computing infrastructure

cloud computing infrastructure

Let’s look at the fundamental elements of a cloud computing infrastructure’s frontend and backend.First, the infrastructure for frontend cloud computing consists of:

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Clients can access their cloud workloads and services using the GUI. This might be a SaaS program like Microsoft 365 or Gmail. It might also be a web portal used to access IaaS resources or client-developed cloud software.

Client-Side Software

A local program that is downloaded and installed on the user’s device and used to access cloud services is referred to as client-side software. One such would be accessing email hosted on Microsoft 365 using the Outlook desktop client. Another option would be to access cloud-based EDA tools using a web browser (like Chrome or Firefox).

Client-Side Hardware

The networking hardware (such as switches and routers) that connects users to the internet so they can access cloud services is included in the client-side hardware. It also includes the actual devices (such as laptops and smartphones) that run the client-side applications.

Since the majority of it (laptops, internet connections, and desktop software) must be purchased and maintained by the customer, frontend cloud infrastructure is frequently referred to as “client-side infrastructure”. Clients aren’t always in charge of the GUI, though, especially when it comes to SaaS cloud computing.

Back-end components of cloud computing architecture are as follows:

Cloud Hardware

The majority of the time, when people consider cloud infrastructure, they consider the underlying hardware that powers everything. This infrastructure consists of the actual hardware that cloud service providers operate, such as servers, storage devices, CPUs, routers, switches, load balancers, and power distribution units (PDUs). Data centers under provider control house this equipment. For redundancy and worldwide performance, the best cloud vendors have a large number of these data centers dispersed throughout the world.


Through virtualization, computing services and operations are separated from the underlying hardware. Through this method, service providers can host platforms and software for numerous clients on a single piece of hardware without anyone being able to view or use their services. IaaS products allow consumers to manage their cloud infrastructure through a user interface without having access to the underlying physical hardware thanks to virtualization.


Because the storage capacity made available to consumers is independent of the underlying storage hardware, cloud storage is another type of virtualization. As a result, an end user can quickly adjust their storage capacity on-demand without having to bother about purchasing and setting up extra storage devices. Public cloud storage virtualization allows the provider to distribute customer data over any accessible storage hardware, including hardware located in several data centers.


Infrastructure for cloud computing relies on networking logic, such as routing and load balancing, in addition to actual networking equipment. This reasoning might be connected to actual objects. Additionally, it could be virtualized with software-defined networking (SDN) or network function virtualization (NFV). The huge and intricate network architectures necessary to supply cloud services may be managed and optimized by providers more easily thanks to virtualization.


Access control, virus prevention, and firewalls are examples of security infrastructure.Following the shared responsibility approach, which divides responsibility for safeguarding cloud computing infrastructure between the client and the provider, is how cloud security is implemented. The service provider must protect the network infrastructure, the storage and computing systems, the applications, and the physical infrastructure (using devices like security cameras and door locks). The systems and infrastructure that clients use to access cloud services, as well as the applications they create and host on cloud infrastructure, must be secured.

Cloud-based EDA vendors like Synopsys give potent chip design tools that grow as needed using cloud computing infrastructure.